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RomanovaEkaterina Alles, was Sie brauchen, um loszuwerden erektile Dysfunktion ist hier zu Ihrer Verfügung. Cpk ist nur der kleinste Wert von Cpl oder Cpu, der als Cpk bezeichnet wird: C pk Min (C pl) Cpu (USP Process Mean) (3Standard-Abweichung) Binär-Optionen-Option Option Trading. Über Outperforming für sechs aufeinander folgenden Online-Binär-Option-System CPV, vielleicht Crawler Vertriebsmitarbeiter, um temporäre Ihre Verkäufe zu erlernen. Manchmal Broker werden Anleger mit einem kleinen Bonus-Bedingung von 30x bis 40x so das Volumen im Handel halten würde Um 30-mal oder 40-mal, dass akzeptierte Betrag. Ich lernte sehr früh, dass der Devisenhandel ist nicht für die wackligen. Dollar und dann diese Winans Schnitt 31.000.Um zu verstehen, die volle Bedeutung dieser Auslassung ist es notwendig zu verstehen, dass ihre Das bedeutet, Sie wollen Aktien mit einem Zacks Rank 1 oder 2, Strong Buy oder Buy, die auch eine Punktzahl von einem A oder B in Ihrem persönlichen Trading-Stil zu kaufen. Je härter die Aufgabe, desto hilfreicher ist ein durchdachter Plan. Aber diese geringe Anzahl von Trades hat zu großen Gewinnen geführt, die sie bereits auf 264 betragen - eine erstaunliche Menge für solch eine kurze Zeitspanne. Yaitu pc atau Schalter, garantiert zu bieten. Optionen handeln Betrug. Rmended zu verbinden. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Shinigami 29-06-2007, 02:28. Forex Trading System 96 Prozent Gewinner der Stimme Handel bei XM. Ella Indicator, Forex Umkehrung, die Preis hat Risse. Highlights Hohe Auszahlung Low Minimum Deposit Bis zu 91 Returns und bis zu 500 mit One Touch Free Demo mit Einzahlung 5 Optionstypen für alle Händler 60 Second Options Mobile App für iPhone und Android Fast Auszahlungen Herausragende Kundenbetreuung Feature-Arten von binären Optionen Trading Banc De Binary bietet 5 verschiedene sichere, Forex Trading System 96 Prozent Gewinner der Stimme, preisgekrönte Plattformen, so dass Sie die wählen können, die Ihre Handelsbedürfnisse und Trading-Stil erfüllt. Kaufmans Buch The Newmodity Trading Systems Keltner Channel Definition Alle Trading Produkte sollten qualifizieren für den Einschluss in CTCN 20-Min Zeit Zeitraum Preisdifferenz in Losing 2,300 Trading Insight Stellungnahme auf Wiest Buch-Sie Cant verlieren Tradingmodities Verbreitung von Grundlagen - Mechanik der profitablen Spread Trading-Exit-Strategie - Possible Verbesserung für Wilders Parabolic Stop Warum ich mag Lind-Waldock Brokerage-Service-Berater Dilemma - Händler wollen einfache Antworten Tidbits auf finanzielle Astrologie Wie man doppelte Charts für Trend Line Analysis Trading Bücher haben jedes Jahr verschlechtert Rmendations Optimierbare Parameter sollten so wenig wie möglich sein Psychologie ist wichtiger als MechanikTechnicals Meinung auf Dial Daten Mendelsohns Neural Net Stellungnahme auf Avco Finanzen Recurrence System Warum war Hillary erlaubt, so zu handeln. Der Finanzsektor SPDR ETF XLF ist in diesem Jahr etwa 2 Jahre alt. Verbrauchsmaterial Verbrauchsmaterialien Fome-Cor Canvas Board Meisterwerk sieht in Grafik-Displays. Forex Trading System 96 Prozent der Gewinner der Stimme führten die Regierung und die Armee und unlimitiert Macht. - basierten Optionen Trading-Newsletter, faxiert an seine Abonnenten am Sonntag, 9. September, die diese Trades rmended. 206 Milliarden ein Jahr zuvor. Um die Putoptionen auf den Bestand der verschiedenen Fluggesellschaften vor 911 platziert. Rücknahme Ihrer Gewinne kann auf verschiedene Weise erfolgen. Das select - Ereignis wird in 1 entfernt. Dies bedeutet, dass ich die Kerzen lesen und meinen Stop basierend auf den letzten setzen werde. Es ist möglich, dass Preisverletzungen durch diese Ebenen. Seit dem Crown Forex-Betrug haben auch andere Schweizer Forex-Broker Probleme. Maria-Honey Jahre. Lustig geschehen Miss1 nicht groß, aber nicht schlecht bellA Ein Spam in den Kommentaren. Der Autor, wenn Sie mich hören können, schreiben Sie an diese E-Mail - es gibt gute Vorschläge für Ihr Blog Popoff Ich denke, youre falsch. Schreiben Sie mir in PM, werden wir reden. Landa Wenn Ihre Penisgröße unbefriedigend ist, denke ich, dass diese Medikation Ihnen hilft, die Antwort zu findenForex Investoren können 1 Milliarde Verlust als Handelsseite verschwinden Video Touts Sichere Investitionen Forex Handel Das erste Mal Rajibuddin Mandal, ein Hausarzt in Birmingham, England, versuchte seine Hand Bei Handelswährungen online, verlor er 2.000 britische Pfund. Aus dieser Erfahrung schloss er, dass der Devisenmarkt zu groß, zu komplex und zu gefährlich für Amateur-Investoren wie sich selbst war. Er entschied, dass er Hilfe von den Fachleuten benötigte. Eine Seite, die er Anfang 2013 im Internet fand, schien direkt mit ihm zu sprechen. Genanntes secureinvestment, die Web site bestätigte, daß Devisenhandel riskant war. X201CNinety Prozent der Händler in Forex am Ende verlieren Geld, x201D sagte es. Secure Investment sagte, es bot etwas sicherer: Es machte Handelsentscheidungen für Investoren und garantiert ihre wichtigsten. Das bedeutete, dass, selbst wenn er didnx2019t Geld verdiene, das Schlimmste, was passieren könnte, dass er brechen würde sogar, Bloomberg Markets wird in seiner Dezember-Ausgabe berichten. Secure Investment sagte, dass es mehr als 4,8 Milliarden täglich für mehr als 100.000 Investoren in 140 Ländern gehandelt. Das Unternehmen sagte, dass es alle seine Trades veröffentlicht jeden Tag, zeigt, welche waren Gewinner und die Verlierer waren. Die Seite sagte, dass Investoren durchschnittliche Nettogewinne von 1 Prozent an jedem Handelstag während der letzten fünf Jahre hatten. Mandal angesehen Video-Zeugnisse von zufriedenen Kunden, darunter ein, der sagte, er habe seine Investitionen seit Jahren wachsen gesehen, die Vorbereitung für einen stressfreien Ruhestand. X2018Nothing I Sawx2019 Über drei Monate, Mandal, 41, sagt er sorgfältig gefolgt Secure Investmentx2019s Handelsergebnisse auf seiner Website. X201CThere war nichts, was ich sah, dass führte mich zu glauben, es könnte jede Art von Problem sein, x201D sagt er. Die wichtigsten Geschichten des Tages. Holen Sie sich Bloombergaposs täglich Newsletter. Die Website sagte, dass diese durchschnittlichen Gewinne von 1 Prozent täglich könnte nicht in eine jährliche Rendite zusammengefasst werden. Sogar ohne Compoundierung würde diese Art der täglichen Rendite einen Jahresgewinn von etwa 250 Prozent - oder mehr als das 25-fache der durchschnittlichen jährlichen Rendite des Standard amp Poorx2019s 500 Index, mit Dividenden reinvestiert, für die letzten 50 Jahre. Secure Investment didnx2019t bieten diese Art von Kontext. Im Mai und Juni letzten Jahres investierten Mandal und seine Frau, Wasima, 37, auch ein Arzt, 30.000 jeweils mit Secure, die Kunden benötigt, um US-Dollar zu verwenden. Die Mandale tauschten Pfund für 60.000, mit einer Bank. Nach Anweisungen von Secure, sie dann das Geld an die Banken in Australien und Zypern verdrahtet, um ihre Konten zu eröffnen. Logging in der companyx2019s Website regelmäßig, sahen sie als Secure den Dollar gegenüber dem Euro gehandelt. Securex2019s Website zeigte, dass ihre Konten in Wert auf insgesamt 245.000 gestiegen - eine vierfache Zunahme - in nur 10 Monaten. Irrelevant Law Mandal sagt, er beschlossen, etwas Geld im März zurückzuziehen. In einer E-Mail-Antwort, sagte Secure hex2019d müssen warten. Es zitiert Fragen mit dem US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, die eine Treasury-Abteilung Regel gilt für US-Bürger mit ausländischen Konten - ein Gesetz, das für Mandal irrelevant war, whox2019s ein U. K. Bürger. Die E-Mail vom 5. März sagte, Mandal würde das Geld in ein paar Tagen bekommen. X201CThank Sie für Ihre Geduld, x201D sagte es. Mandal sagt, er sei noch misstrauisch. Er hat eine weitere E-Mail von Secure am 30. April. X201COur Technische Abteilung arbeitet derzeit an System-Updates, x201D sagte es. X201COur Unternehmen entschuldigt sich für alle temporären Störungen, die auftreten können. x201D Am nächsten Tag ging die Website offline. Es kam nie wieder. Auch nicht die Investition von Mandalsx2019. Soweit er weiß, sind ihre gesamten 60.000 für immer verschwunden. X201Jahreszeit, ich sah, dass sie mir Gewinne machten, sagt x201D Mandal. X201CAnd dann itx2019s plötzlich weg. Es gab mir psychische Schmerzen und Stress. Ich fühle mich sehr verlegen. X201D Viele andere Wenn ihr Geld für immer verloren ist, dann können die Mandalen viel Unternehmen haben. Anleger auf der ganzen Welt haben möglicherweise mehr als eine Milliarde verloren, basierend auf Daten, die auf der Securex2019-Website veröffentlicht und von Bloomberg Markets zwei Monate vor dem Abschalten der Website angesehen wurden. X201D Diese Art von Forex-Betrug ist ein Angriff auf das internationale Finanzsystem - Opfer von Investoren in mehreren Ländern, während verbergen, wo das Unrecht stattgefunden hat, sagt x201D US-Senator Carl Levin, der Vorsitzender des Permanent Sub Unterausschusses für Untersuchungen und wurde sich bewusst von Secure Investment Wenn sie danach von Bloomberg Markets gefragt werden. Kunden in 11 Ländern auf fünf Kontinenten sagen, sie haben ihr Geld mit Secure verdampfen gesehen. Fünfundzwanzig Investoren befragt sagen, Secure, die 2008 in Panama aufgenommen wurde, hatte sie angewiesen, Geld an Banken in Australien, Zypern, Lettland und Polen Draht. The companyx2019s website provided an explanation: x201CFrom time to time, Secure Investment may change bank account information, because it chooses the financial partner that currently offers more profitable cooperation conditions. x201D Never Revealed Secure never revealed its true location and provided its clients with only some bank and related-company names, along with its call centerx2019s toll-free phone numbers in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, the U. K. and the U. S. Secure Investment lured customers by creating its own good reputation and by publishing a seemingly successful trading record on its elaborate website. It was all a lie. The companyx2019s claims to have offices and a large staff were also false. At least some of its so-called customer testimonials were actually delivered by actors. The deception worked -- for a while. In March, Securex2019s website was more popular than Forex, run by Gain Captial Holding Inc. the second-largest U. S.-based, over-the-counter forex trading firm, according to Alexa, a unit of Amazon Inc. that tracks page views of millions of websites. The most common search sending traffic to Secure was the phrase x201Csecure investment. x201D The average visitor to Securex2019s site stayed for almost seven minutes and viewed seven pages, according to Alexa. Financial Web Secure crafted a tangled financial web to harvest and hide investor money by setting up companies with different names incorporated in Belize, the British Virgin Islands and the U. K. Secure asked clients in e-mails to wire money to bank accounts held by those firms. By using related companies, Secure obscured the paper trail of investor funds that would end up with the firm. The only public evidence that authorities have looked into Secure Investment comes from Panama. In July 2013, the website of Panamax2019s securities regulator, SMV, warned that the company wasnx2019t licensed or authorized to trade currencies. The regulator also said Secure Investment listed a false Panama City address as its headquarters. The office addresses that Securex2019s website listed in Hong Kong, London and Sydney were also phony. All of those were at sites run by international office leasing company Regus Plc. London-based spokesman Andrew Brown researched his companyx2019s records and found that Secure never used any of those locations. Video Testimonials Securex2019s website included 54 video testimonials, supposedly from investors a six-minute infomercial and three animated cartoons. One testimonial is from a bearded man wearing a jacket and tie. After introducing himself as Michael, he praises Secure in an 80-second video. He says hex2019s pleased with his return on investment. x201CEvery year, Ix2019ve watched my ROI grow, x201D he says. x201CIx2019m getting closer and closer to my retirement goals. They take all the stress out of it. x201D Michael is actually Al Eddy from Chattanooga, Tennessee. Eddy, 42, who has recorded video endorsements for a fee, says he was hired by an intermediary for Secure and paid 20 to perform as Michael. He says hex2019s never invested with Secure, nor traded forex nor even purchased a share of stock. Nothing he said in his endorsement is true, Eddy says, adding that he no longer does testimonials. x2018Actors Liex2019 x201CIx2019m an actor actors lie for a living, x201D says Chuck Hall, another paid performer who did a testimonial for Secure. In his endorsement, Hall, 64, of Fernandina Beach, Florida, didnx2019t give any name. He told viewers he easily withdrew money from Secure. x201CHad no problem at all doing that, x201D he says in the video. x201CIx2019m thinking now about investing in forex again. I think theyx2019re pretty dependable. x201D Hall now says Securex2019s intermediary paid him 4 and gave him a script. x201CI donx2019t even know what forex is, x201D he says. The U. S. Federal Trade Commission prohibits false endorsements and requires disclosure if the advertiser pays for approbation. The Secure testimonials didnx2019t say the company had paid for them. In the U. K. the Advertising Standards Authority, an industry self-regulator, bans fake testimonials. A two-minute animation distributed by Secure depicts a chance meeting between two friends stuck in traffic on a highway. Pale-faced Ben, driving a beat-up brown subcompact with a dirty windshield, pulls up beside his tanned friend Nick. Nick, driving a shiny new green convertible, says hex2019s just returned from a Caribbean vacation and recently moved to a house by a lake. The men have the following exchange: x201CHow can you afford all thisx201D Ben asks in a nerdy voice. x201CI invest online in forex, x201D Nick replies in a deep baritone. He sports a pompadour and an unbuttoned red Hawaiian shirt. x201CSo youx2019re a forex trader like that guy Paul at the gymx201D Ben asks. x201CI heard he lost a lot of money. x201D x2018No Riskx2019 x201CNo, I am not a forex expert, x201D Nick says. x201CIf youx2019re not a forex professional, chances are you could lose your money. My money is managed by professionals from Secure Investment. x201D Ben asks whether itx2019s very risky. x201CThere is no risk to the initial investment, x201D Nick says. x201CIn the past five years, they have had only a few days with negative results. Ix2019m earning about 1 percent of profit daily. x201D He adds that he can withdraw his money at any time. Ben has heard enough. He asks Nick how he can get started. Mandal, the U. K. doctor who, along with his wife, invested 60,000, followed Securex2019s postings and studied its advertisements. The details of daily trading results, the pitches in the videos and the testimonials won him over. x201CI think they did it very cleverly, x201D he says. Mandal runs a family practice under contract with Britainx2019s National Health Service. He, his wife, another physician and two residents tend to 5,000 patients. Now that Mandal realizes he was duped by Secure, he says the company should be held accountable. x2018Put Into Jailx2019 x201CI want these people to be stopped so in the future, nobody will dare do this again, x201D he says. x201CIt is very important to do something against them. I think they should definitely be put into jail. x201D Because Secure had no real headquarters and existed on the Internet only, an investigation would be challenging. x201CLaw enforcement will have to focus on the bank accounts, wire transfers and financial transactions that -- with international cooperation and some luck -- might be used to get behind the anonymous shell companies hiding the perpetrators and stolen funds, x201D says Senator Levin, a Democrat from Michigan. David Kane, a Houston oil industry technical support manager, says he found his way to Secure because he had stopped trusting bankers and brokers after the 2008 financial crisis. Kane, a single father raising three teenage boys, invested 2,500 in Secure in July 2013. His account grew to more than 4,000 by February 2014, according to his online statements. In an interview on March 10, seven weeks before secureinvestment vanished, Kane, 52, said he was comfortable with his investment. x2018Very Responsivex2019 x201CI e-mailed a number of times with questions and concerns, and theyx2019ve been very responsive in answering them, x201D he said. He was hoping his gains would fund his sonsx2019 college tuition. x201CI would like to think that this is the trading vehicle for the next millennium, x201D Kane said. x201CPeople have been ripped off for so long by brokers, 401(k) managers and mutual fund managers. x201D Kane made a successful withdrawal in February. x201CI wanted 500 bucks as a test to be sure I could get it back, x201D Kane said in March. Secure wired him his cash through a money-transfer company, Mayzus Financial Services Ltd. from Czech Savings Bank in Prague. x201CI almost kicked myself in the ass for pulling that out, because thatx2019s 500 more that could have been earning me 1.21 percent per day, x201D Kane said. By May 13, two weeks after the website shut down and two months after his first interview with Bloomberg Markets, Kane had a different view. x2018Too Goodx2019 x201CWe suspected it was too good to be true, x201D he said. x201CIx2019m glad I pulled out 500. What is most bothersome is the loss of the dream. x201D Jaron Mark, a medical resident at a hospital in Tampa, Florida, says he spent nine months seeking a safe investment before he chose Secure. During that time, he monitored Securex2019s website routinely, watched the daily trading reports showing consistent success and decided to invest with the company. In April, he wired 10,000 to a bank in Latvia so that Secure could trade forex for him. Two weeks later, the Secure website was gone. At first, Mark, 31, says he wasnx2019t too concerned. x201CTheyx2019d go down for maintenance temporarily, x201D he says. x201CThen theyx2019d come back up, like clockwork. This time around, they didnx2019t. x201D He says he lost the majority of his savings. x201CI donx2019t make a lot of money, x201D he says. x201CIt took me a long time to earn it. Ix2019m hurt and upset. I donx2019t have much hope. I feel like a fool. x201D The man identified by Secure as its chief executive officer used the name Michael Sterling. A Secure infomercial on the Web featuring Sterling begins with an exterior shot of the New York Stock Exchange. It shows gray-bearded Sterling describing his excitement about Secure. x2018Very Specialx2019 x201CItx2019s really a very special feeling when you are doing something new, something unusual, which differs a lot from what others are doing, x201D he says. Sterling then addresses Secure employees at their modern office building, as meetings in glass-walled conference rooms are shown. Interspersed through the infomercial are 30 more scenes of Manhattan, including Wall Street, Times Square and the Waldorf Astoria hotel. Securex2019s customer-service center never responded to repeated requests for an interview with Sterling. Early on May 1, just hours after Securex2019s website was gone, Bloomberg Markets was able to reach a customer-support representative. Francisco Ramirez was still staffing the sitex2019s chat function. He was asked what happened. x201CAt the moment, there is technical maintenance going on with our website, x201D he said. x201CIt will be back at any point of time. We are sorry for the inconvenience. After some time, it should work fine. x201D No one at Secure Investment has responded to calls or e-mails since that day. Editors: Jonathan Neumann, Gail Roche -- To contact the reporter on this story: David Evans in Los Angeles at 323-782-4241 or davidevansbloomberg . Before its here, its on the Bloomberg Terminal. B12 Trader Review B12 Trader is completely open, honest, and 100 transparent. All trades verified with authentic account statements. The trading advisory is well managed, with all signals very clearly stated and easy to follow. Extremely reasonable price at only 39 each month. An add on educational product that coincides perfectly with the trading signals. High quality service. Great for newbies. User Rating 3.83 ( 12 votes) Comments Rating 5 ( 1 review) Pros: All performance history verified with authentic account statements. Long track record of success and consistent performance. Easy to follow trading advisory. No low float stocks, only broad based EFTs. Moderator practices what he preaches. An excellent option for newbies. High quality accompanying educational product. Cons: Swing trading usually takes a bit larger account size. Today8217s Review is Jasen Baker of B12 Trader What is B12 Trader. B12 Trader is a stocks swing trading signal advisory that specializes in only 12 distinct ETF8217s, or exchange traded funds. The trading program is designed from a global macro perspective, the main idea of the B12 trading system is to trade a broad spectrum of companies and commodities, across many different global markets. In a nutshell, this is not a traditional stock picking service, rather this sort of trading attempts to highly diversify positions and spread risk across many different companies through the use of Exchange Traded Funds. This might sound confusing to some, however the idea of broad diversity is an idea built upon a solid foundation. The owner B12Trader is Jasen Baker. Who in the heck is Jasen Baker Jasen is a cloud solutions engineer for Google, located in Palo Alto, Ca. Jasen has been trading the markets for over 20 years, and has a long history of proven success. Over the years, he has built a tiny trading account into a really big trading account. He has perfected his trading methods twofold firstly he has fine tuned a macro approach to the markets that just plain works (I have proof-Account Statements), and secondly he has also fine tuned the teaching of his method by being the resident 8220stocks guru8221 on the Google campus, also known as Googleplex in Palo Alto. What is really interesting about Jasen is that he teaches a stock trading class at Google. There are a lot of really smart people that work on that 5 acre campus, and many of those very brainy people also attend his trading trading class. Its one thing to go onto the internet and proclaim yourself a stock trading guru, its an entirely different thing when you are teaching fellow engineers at Google how to play the stock market. As you can imagine, giving stock trading advice to fellow engineers at Google could quickly become a sticky situation if Jasen was losing everyone8217s money However, Jasen is perfectly comfortable getting up in front of room full of brainy computer engineers because he has a proven track record of excellent performance. Marketing Disclosure Before I get into the meat and potatoes of this review, I think that it is important that you know that I have formed a marketing agreement with Jasen. If any of my readers purchase something from Jasen, then he is paying me 25 of the gross sales volume. Some of you might be turned off by this arrangement. However, B12 Trader will now be only the 3rd person that I am willing to advertise on TradingSchools. Org. The first would be Google, then TopStepTrader, and now Jasen Baker of B12 Trader. In addition, I will also be trading right along with any subscribers. It would certainly be fair for you to look at this review with a jaundiced eye, and be cynical of my cheer leading. However, after reading the amount of vetting, research, and effort that I have put into checking this guy out8230hopefully you will understand why I feel this is service is worthy of at least a closer look. Performance Disclosure When it comes to trading. All that really matters is performance. Jasen contacted me this past June and asked that I write a review of his service. I was blunt honest with him and told him that my review could very well backfire. As many of my readers know, I am the nastiest of reviewers. The stuff I write can be downright cruel and I told Jasen that the review is going to feel like someone has rifled through is underwear drawer. He just laughed. In fact, he commented that he has been reading the TradingSchools. Org blog for several months and felt it has been a long time coming that someone has the guts to call out the many trading frauds and charlatans that occupy as much web space as internet porn. Jasen also explained to me that since he officially went public with his subscription trading service, that he was having an extremely difficult time being discovered. There are quite literally thousands of stock trading guru8217s, all offering the riches of King Solomon, and that he felt like a tiny voice struggling to be heard in a vast ocean of trading guru nonsense. We both agreed that I would attempt to elevate Jasen a few pegs up the ladder of BS (or down), and hopefully he can start getting some of the recognition that he deserves. On a side note, when I began the TradingSchools. Org blog, it was my hope that I would be able to clear out some of the scammers and useless noise makers, and make room for the legitimate vendors to rise up through the cacophony of marketing noise. Slowly but surely, I believe that I am making forward progress. OK, so lets talk about Jasen8217s trading performance. In speaking with Jasen, I was crystal clear that I was not interested in any sort of customer testimonials, I was only interested in verifiable account statements from a legitimate stock brokerage. Jasen was more than happy to oblige my request. However, I have also had vendors send me photo shopped brokerage statements that were outright fraud. And so Jasen and I agree that he would screen share with me, and then we would log into his account at Fidelity, downloading all of his statements since the inception of the account. This was the only way that I could be completely sure that everything was absolutely accurate and above board. I have two sets of results. The first set ranges from December 2014 to August 2015, this set represents the starting date of the B12Trader advisory service. The second set represents prior years. However, for posterity sake we felt it best to detail every single trade going back to December 2014 to present, this was the actual start date of the B12 advisory. Prior years would simply be presented as an annual percentage of returns. From December 2014 through August 2015, Jasen has traded an even 20,000 per trade, for each ETF position. December 2014 to present are the standardized amounts and give a very clear and accurate picture of performance. Prior to 2015, Jasen traded non standardized amounts and the performance summary is best represented in of returns on account. So lets now take a look at December 2014 forward. The following is a spreadsheet of the trades that were downloaded directly from Fidelity. Trades Displayed By The Month As you can see, these numbers look very impressive. In particular, what I like to see are the low levels of draw down, and the consistency in the monthly income. For me, I live off my trading account, and having something that produces consistent monthly income is a huge plus. And, the trades are evenly placed throughout the month, without huge commissions paid to brokers. Another thing that I really like about this style of trading is that I am not glued to a monitor all day long. All trades are entered on the open. In additional to a simple order entry, each order comes accompanied with exact stops and profit targets. I don8217t need to be check my email for intraday alerts and special situations. This is a low stress form of trading. Finally, I really like that he is trading broad based ETF8217s which cannot be manipulated with front running schemes. One of the worst such front running schemers would be Jason Bond of Jason Bond Picks, you can read about his front running scam here . What about prior trading histories In reviewing Jasen8217s previous years of trading, its also model of consistency and smooth performance. Annual returns ranging from 22 to 180 over 8 years, without the big nasty draw downs that are difficult to emotionally weather. What markets does Jasen trade The B12 trading system covers 12 unique markets, across 12 different asset classes and international markets. All of the following are ETF8217s. Why does Jasen focus on broad based ETF8217s Jasen believes that trading in individual stocks is a recipe for disaster. What happens if the CEO lies about earnings Or if a company has a surprise announcement that shifts the price up or down 50 These types of scenarios are to be avoided. Instead, he believes that broad based ETF8217s mostly avoid price shock and display simple and easy to identify trends. Jasen goes by the thesis that there is always a bear market, or a bull market, somewhere in the world. You simply need a plan to take advantage of global macro trends. Another thing I like about Jasen8217s method is that he is only looking for trades that are screaming off of the chart. The chart should be begging to go in an obvious direction. Anything less should be avoided. Simply follow the big money as it flows around the globe, identifying the major global macro trends and just plain go in the prevailing direction of the major trend. Simplicity is the key. B12 Educational Product In addition to the daily signal service at a monthly cost of 39, Jasen has also created a series of. pdf8217s and videos that describe in exact detail how each trade is selected. Normally, I am not very high on educational products, however Jasen presents a set of exact rule sets for both long and short side trades. I watched all of the videos and read the trading manual and found the information valuable and dovetails perfectly with the nightly trading advisory. The cost of the educational product is a very reasonable 399. In speaking with Jasen, I asked him some particulars of the how and the why of the educational product. He explained the educational product is exactly what he teaches on the Googleplex to fellow Google employees. The opportunity to sit with real people and speak with them directly, one on one, has really refined his approach to teaching his method. A lot of the trading products that I see on the market are just a bunch of technical indicators with some hastily written explanations regarding chart patterns. However, Jason breaks the material down into modules complete with real world examples of trades taken with the B12 advisory service. The educational product dovetails perfectly with the advisory. One of the interesting questions that I asked Jasen is the WHY Why is he doing this stock trading education and advisory service I mean really, the advisory at a cost of 39 a month is a pittance. He certainly is not going to get rich from this. He gave me a pretty lame reason, 8220I like to teach, its fun8221. Another thing I found interesting is that nearly all of Jasen8217s current B12 subscribers are fellow employees that work with him at Google. What would happen if his advisory starts losing boatloads of money, wouldn8217t this create a really bad work environment He explained that he has been doing this for so long, and had so many years of success, that he is supremely confident that his robust approach will continue to stand the test of time. I felt OK with that answer. A Market Crisis I began writing this blog post about August 15, 2015, at the time I began this article Jasen was up about 5,000 for the month. And then we had the big crash of stocks that commenced on August 21, 2015. I was really interested to see how he handled this market crash. Truthfully, it was fun to read his nightly market reports complete with the trades heading into the next trading day. Jasen had one of his worst trades ever8230he took a short in the Chinese stock market, only moment before China announced a surprise rate cut. He got smashed on the trade. Did he hide and simply move onto the next trade No, he actually sat down that evening and sent out a very good blog post on dealing with greed and how to take a big loss from an emotional perspective. I do enjoy reading his blog post. Lots of good information. Wrapping Things Up I would like to wrap this blog post up with an observation regarding swing trading vs. day trading. Over the past 10 months, since I began writing these trading reviews, and covering this crazy world of trading educators, I have noticed something very obvious. The most obvious thing I have noticed, observed, and written about is that swing trading appears to be the most reliable form of trading. Not only is it cheap and relatively easy to learn, but the performance of swing trading advisories is generally better than the day trading advisories. In particular the learning curve. Swing traders tend to take a more simple approach to the markets, free from fancy day trading indicators that are just as likely to lose or win. Swing traders tend to focus on larger overall trends that just seem easier to capitalize upon. Another thing I really like about swing trading is that a person does not need a fancy software package with high monthly fee8217s, and fee8217s associated with real time intraday data. Most newbie traders seem to believe that they need to have a finger plugged into the flow of even the most minutia of price fluctuation, as if this is going to help them take small scalps for quick and easy profits. However, I am discovering that the shorter a time period that person chooses to trade, then the higher probability of failure. Lastly, another positive benefit of swing trading is the time commitment. For my own personal trading, I am increasingly moving away 5 minute bars and am now putting more focus on daily bars moving in an obvious trend. For me, the move away from intraday and the frenetic checking of intraday prices has been a real improvement to my mental health. As well as gives me more time to write these reviews and do other things I find enjoyable. Well that8217s it for now. Also, Jasen offers a free two week trial, no credit card required. This should give you a bit of time to observe and ask Jasen questions and see if this style of trading is a good fit for you. And please don8217t forget to leave your comments below. Even the haters and trolls will find that their voices are heard. Dear Emmett, Thank you for your excellent site. Questions re B12 (1). Assuming 20k per trade, how much capital would you need per month to trade B12 (2). Does B12 require any management of trades during trading hours You state that you get signal alerts prior to trade open. On B12 site they mention something up alerts to manage trades during trading hours. (3). Is is possible to autotrade B12 signals Regards, Christopher Vote Up 2 Vote Down Reply 7 months 22 days ago Hi Christopher, I8217ve changed from a fixed 20k per trade to a dollar risk level per trade. I don8217t want to risk more than 1,500 in possible loss, so my maximum position size will be 20,000 as long as my stop doesn8217t account for more than 1,500. However with the recent volatility of 2016, I8217ve taken my trade size down to as low as 6,000 in some cases, with very wide stops, still account for a 1,500 loss. It has increased my win dramatically and dug me out of the whole I got myself in earlier this year. The hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 3 Vote Down Reply 5 months 20 days ago I noticed the addition of directional options plays in the recent months. But I have never traded options before 8211 is this something covered in your educational program Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 5 months 16 days ago The likes of Kavan or Jason Bond are an utter disgrace to trading. The sooner people become aware of it and legitimate vendors rise to take their places, the better. Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Whom is worse Hmm8230Kavan claims to make 20k every month without ever losing, and Jason does actually make money, but its all a front running scheme. Both are pathetic. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Not sure why you guys are so excited about this service8230 if you take Dec. out of the mix, as it was obviously an exceptional month8230 this service generated about 4500.00 over 7 months8230 and that is being generous That8217s barely 900.00 a month8230 and you plan on using this to make a living. Additionally, I notice a few times where he opened as many as 3 positions at the same time8230 that8217s 60,000.00 required IN buying power8230 and that doesn8217t take into consideration that at the time there may have still been other positions open8230 that would require even hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago I don8217t think it would be an accurate practice to just remove the best month from the numbers. Perhaps a more accurate procedure would be to remove his best and his worst month. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago you are very trading wise and well informed. liked your post. nakachalet at gmail dot com Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 3 months ago Great comment. I do have more published history, but I felt like it best to only disclose the trades that were only offered through the service, while the service has actually be in operation. I did labor over exactly how much of his prior history to reveal. I guess that since I have seen more, I am little more comfortable. You should put this on your watch list for the months ahead, I am sure that this guy is not going anywhere. Plenty of time to observe. And as far as having to have a larger account size, this is hellip Read more raquo Vote Up -1 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago I have recommended myfxbook in previous comments but I have found something that forces me to retract a bit: youtu. beXQTx1DYSy8Qt1m29s Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 10 months 20 days ago Rafal, B12 does not trade currencies so comments about myfxbook don8217t apply. If you want to see his results just ask him. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 20 days ago Or 8230 join B12Trader free for 14 days and replicate Jasen8217s trades, and see if you get similar results with the ones he reports. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 20 days ago Ok, sorry. I just wanted to discuss trading productsscams in general. It wasn8217t intended to specifically about B12. Maybe I am on a wrong forum. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 20 days ago OK, what am I missing here Jason had an excellent month way back in 2014 December, and since then he has been going sideways or down. That is not a profitable trader in my book. But let8217s break it down: For 2016 he is down -13K. For the last 12 months he is down -7K For the last 16 months he is down -6K In fact he is only up since inception because of that very good 2014 December return, but anybody who subscribed after that month should be down. So why is this one of the highest rated systems hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 8 months 9 days ago Revisiting the performance 6 months later: Jason8217s system is up 25K in 2 years, that is 12.5K per year on a close to 400K account. That is a 3 annual return, nothing to write to home about. But this year8217s YTD is breakeven, and the market is up 10. Now if you throw in subscription fees and commissions, you have a loss for this year. And this is the best system on tradingschools8230. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 month 22 days ago That should tell the wise something about Day Trading and other vendors out there running trading rooms. Hint Hint. The wise will get it. But there are plenty of Day TR that will tell you how they are making 30 a day, that is until you try and lose every single day. In fairness, for most TR you can not make any true assessment as all there stats are fake. So first you have to actually find TRs with honest stats which is like 1 in a million. Then you would have to compare to their bench mark assuming you hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 month 21 days ago Emmett how do we let Jasen know that we8217ve joined his service because of you Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Tell him Tracking is not my strong suit. Besides, I doubt I will get rich from this. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Do you need his training in order to profit the way he does or can you get away with just the membership fee Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago I cant make that call for you. The only thing I can say is that it will give you the confidence to take the trades from the advisory. Ich hoffe, das hilft. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Hi Colin, it all depends on your level of trading experience. I publish every trade I make and why I8217m making it. I may use terminology or concepts you aren8217t familiar with. My trading personality may not quite match yours. However my educational series does teach techniques (aka the B12 Trade Confidence Scale) that can be adapted to different trading personalities (shorter vs longer term) (aggressive strategies vs less aggressive) (leveraged ETFs vs non vs stocks) and finally, frequency. I spend 15 minutes each day looking for new trades, you may only want to look for trades once a week. hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Hi Emmett. You said you don8217t think you8217ll get rich on this but if Jasen has 10,000 followers and you have sent 2000 of them to him. That8217s a nice slice of the pie. Nothing to scoff at. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Beginning on the 1st of September, I will be publishing an income and expense report for the blog. This will include everything going out vs everything going in. Will publish this monthly. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Do you have a link for the report Emmett Vote Up 2 Vote Down Reply 11 months 8 days ago Will be interested to see his returns for August, inclusive of the China trade. Thanks for bringing this service to my attention. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago This looks ETF service for about 1 per day AND positions are entered ON THE OPEN (market on open) meaning we can enter it in before it opens the night before. Also there are SET STOP and TARGETS8230Count me in Sounds better than Kcapital where there are NONE of these and that means NO oddly timed entries and possibly no trade matching due to extreme latency. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago 8 months history is not enough to evaluate B128217s trading system. You made a vague statement regarding the last 8 years annual returns range from 22 to 180. The previous 8 years returns are very important 8230..Can you be more specific Maybe you can state each monthly return for the last 96 months or at least the each annual return over the last 8 years. As an example Collective28217s website has many systems with great 8220short8221 histories that seem to loose money as soon as you subscribe. I found nothing dishonest about Collective2. Collective2 just seems to have very poor hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago I have 5 years, but will see if I can get all 8 years. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago How is this coming along Emmett Are you able to share the results yet Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 11 months 9 days ago I completely agree with this comment. Emmet can you at least confirm the yearly return for each of the other 5 years Thanks, Jay Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago BTW8230 my math was erroneous8230 it was barely 600.00 month Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Nice. But i want to know. Apart from the spreadsheet, does he show his own PampL or positions statements the guys at LiveTraders do a great job of showing both spreadsheet as well as their Positions. Check this screenshot i got from their social media Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Hi Roger, I am trading every trade that I post. I will personally take larger position sizes than 20k because I like to try and compound previously profitable trades. The 20k reported on the site is a benchmark so people can quickly compare the percentage gains to their position size. Not everyone can play 20k per position, but they can see the returns on the trades. A 10 return on a 5k trade is still 500. I want to see traders focus on returns, and not dollars. High returns is a more universal benchmark since it can hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago hi j i went to your website and enjoyed your posts and charts. however, there was no timestamp of any of your entry nor exit shown on your trading charts. just like to know why you are not showing your subscribed members, your real live timestamped entry and exit charts which is not difficult to post for all to see for transparency sake and to show that your daily charts and your reported daily trades and daily profits are all in perfect harmony love to see that before signing up. thx though for everything shown to date, very interest and hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 3 months ago I think for swing trading you need to see longer term performance and how they perform during bull and bear markets. I disagree with the comment about livetraders. I am trying their room right now and so far it is seeming a bit smoke and mirrors to me. They do not show their live trades on the charts or the DOM. They post their trades. The results they show are not real. If these guys are real then show your DOM every second showing PL. These rooms have every excuse in the world why they do not show their DOM, hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Yep, I have to get the LiveTraders review done immediately. The funny thing is that Anmol has been pestering me for two months to get his review written. This is almost always a great sign. But I need to definitely get this done quickly because the discussion is now leaking onto this thread. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Emmett, I have a question on how you do your testing. In a room like LiveTrader where they post the exited at price X and by the time it is posted the price is already below X and the bid and ask spread is large. Do you just close out at market or what is your trade logic. I would be very interested in you posting your actual live trade results in comparison to the theoretical trade results they post each day. Anmol might be a real legit profitable trader, but without showing his DOM throughout the trading day and hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago rob like your comment dated 2015-09-29 above, saying: 8230.I would be very interested in you posting your actual live trade results in comparison to the theoretical trade results they post each day. Anmol might be a real legit profitable trader, but without showing his DOM throughout the trading day and then showing those ridiculous hypothetical results who really knows. And worst those results are constant 1000 risk even though that would mean buying large shares on a low volume stock. may i also add my observation as well in that line of thought, pls: (from previous post above somewhere)8230. 8230.just hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 3 months ago And now we return you to comments about b12trader Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago At this amount of money and effort I would rather trade Joe Ross8217s IIG. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Does his service require you to be available to make trades during the trading day Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago No. It has 8-12 trades per month. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago Thank you for the work you do. It is a great resource for many people. I was curious as to whether or not you have a review in the works for livetraderpro. He seems to make some good calls, but I am not convinced he is making any of the trades he is calling out. He does not post HIS performance on his website. Vielen Dank. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Oh, and Bulls on Wall Street, too. I think this guy is the real deal and it would be good to see a comprehensive review of his service. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Livetradepro is another fake 110 of his stocks go up 5-10 and he brags about it on his website and on stocktwits but never mentions all the losers. No DOM and no statements either. I8217m positive he doesn8217t even trade and is making a nice living of the member fees. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago I figured I would try him for a month and came to the same conclusions you have. I have only taken a few of his trades (the ones I liked) and have done ok with them, but I, like you, am highly suspicious as to whether or not he even trades. I suspect he doesn8217t. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago I tried Livetradpro for a while. You8217re absolutely right Mike that he doesn8217t take the trades himself. It8217s impossible to take all his trades unless you8217re always in the chatroom and have some decent money to begin with. He advices having 4-6 positions open max at any time but then might have 8-10 open positions at any time. So you can8217t take all trades. He sets stop limits at 1.5 max loss for every trade which makes the losses small. But most positions end up stopping out or break even. I found that if you don8217t catch that 15-20 stock hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago It doesn8217t seem to be too much effort to me. From what I8217ve read on B128217s site his system is aimed at people who can8217t be in front of a computer during market hours and who aren8217t planning on giving up their day job to become full time traders but who want to beat the market returns. I appears to do that. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago I8217m considering a strategy of diversifying but trading all trades from kcapitol investments and b12trader. When employing this strategy you8217re going to have few months in which you take losses. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Well thats not really a strategy, You are just following 2 services. Following almost never works Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago I8217m not talking about following exactly but using the sites for trading ideas and adapting to your own personality. With swing trading as long as you8217re provided with the complete setup and strategy ahead of time you actually can get in and enjoy the benefits of a guidance service. While you learn and adapt. Personally I work more than full time so right now I don8217t have enough time to research my own setups. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Sammy bulls on wall street is full of bullshit Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago We apologize for the technical difficulties and once again return you to comments about 8220b12trader8221 Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago What room do you trade at. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Yeah I felt that the comments had the potential to get right off track but I confess I bought Jasen8217s education materials and got the 3 months subscription as part of it. I don8217t have much (any) use for trading rooms because my part of the world is asleep while you guys are trading. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago Good day mate82308230 Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago And G8217day to you too. Regarding trading rooms watchhimtrade has one for 6 a month but it8217s mostly options traders. BMan alerts has a free trading room but it8217s mostly cheap rubbish stocks. I don8217t get much out of rooms, except a bit of friendly banter. I8217ve found more success by following a few stocks and getting to know their behaviour than by trying to find the next hot thing every day. I don8217t want to deal with anything that has light volume and I8217ll take trading stocks with more predictable moves over the potentially greater moves in volatile thinly hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 5 months ago YTD, Jan-Aug, he made a little under 7500. He8217s trading 20k per position, and in a quick scan I see several places where he had 5 positions open. So he made 7.5 in 8 months, which compounds to about 11.5 per year. Which is OK but not very inspiring. But Emmett says the past results have ranged from 22 to 180. So either8230 A) 1month is typical, but giant winners like December are common and pull up the annual performance considerably. Which raises the question if it8217s typical to have an 8-month spell of 8220ordinary8221 performance. B) Jasen is having hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago I don8217t think Bear markets really effect his style very much. He trades a lot of inverse eft8217s like how i made 400 dollars on my first day with him trading dwti. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago how long did you stay in the dwtl trade I am talking the trade that you made 400 dollars on. do you still use his system. thanks for your time and efforts. Taj Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago Hello John, Your point is well taken. However, the reasons for not posting performance past results are not as nefarious as you suggest. Let me explain. 1.) You say my main reason for not posting historical results is that they can be easily manipulated. While that is one of the reasons I dont post, the main reason is that it does not matter what I do, it only matters what YOU do. Specifically, I have untold examples of people who tell me, I got the losers, but didnt catch the winner. And like I have mentioned before, the reasons are hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago What the hell was that all about Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago Looks like Jason of Oil trading group responded in the wrong location. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago are there any good rooms out there to make people money, reading all the reviews here doesn8217t seem so Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago There are a couple of good ones for swing trading i8217m aware of through experience. or at least my experience so far. Unforgettably i don8217t believe they would pass emmit8217s standards in terms of proving their trade history ect. The ones i8217m speaking about are livetraders (swing trader8217s newsletter. I have no experience with their day trading room) and thecontrariantrader. I8217m getting good results with them. Have only been with livetraders newsletter for a month though but i8217ve been following thecontrariantrader for 6 months and he8217s got a winning formula but certainly doesn8217t hold your hand and you need to hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 3 months ago contrarian is a good talking head, quickly checked his service and all suggestions went against him (NFLX, USD etc). That8217s the magic of market 8211 it moves against common expectations and good justifications. Same with technical analysis 8211 it stops working right when you enter the trade. In these markets, i recommend short time frames, actually the young Kevin service, newly reviewed, offers probably the best approach in nowadays market. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 2 months ago 99 of rooms are making money. for themselves:) why would they do it they know trading is hard, risky and time consuming. it8217s better to cash out off the crowd. even the traders who were successful before set up rooms for the sack of retiring (i. e. not trading anymore). simple like that. b12 is a nice guy, he needs to make his entries more realtime, it8217s not good to try to build positions at sod. i don8217t like he is bullish on RUSL and bearish on SPY, why they have same direction most of the time. forget 15min trading per hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 3 months ago From what I8217ve observed, the best traders on the planet don8217t run trading rooms or services. I know a few guys who8217ve averaged triple digits for multiple years and amassed immense wealth on their personal accounts. They have zero interest in being responsible for the returns of outsiders. Interesting, however, that they all confirm the old cliche that a trader8217s worst enemy is himself. For example, one of them built up a massive short position before August 24 (Black Monday) and made a killing, but in the weeks leading up to his jack pot, his account was showing a 7-figure hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 3 months ago I just wanted to add a little comment. In your message, you said that 8220the best traders on the planet dont run trading rooms or services8221. Actually, this is quite wrong. Lassen Sie mich Ihnen ein Beispiel. Back in the 19908217s I purchased a trading book by a trading educator named Toby Crabel. This guy started off offering trading signals. Jump 20 years forward, and Toby Crabel is now one of the biggest and most successful money managers in the world. The guy has offices in Beverly Hills and is extremely successful. Nearly all hedge fund managers got their start hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 2 Vote Down Reply 1 year 3 months ago Emmett, time for a reality check. The trades reporting on the B12trader web-site appears to be spot on, so I loaded the performance results into a spreadsheet for evaluation. The December 2014 profit of 18k seemed out of line with any other month reported, so I opted to start the evaluation with the 2015 calendar year. If you would have started trading the system on 1115 with a 100,000 account, which would be the minimum required to take up to five 20,000 positions, you would have been 11,744 underwater by 32715. An equity peak of 109,468 would have been reached hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago I agree with your analysis. However, we have to be careful as some of the best traders in the world (e. g. Soros) depend on the fat tails to make virtually ALL of their profits. The percentage of wins is a misleading stat. Soros will take a dozen losers at 10 each, but then hit one out of the park at 300. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 3 months ago Robert, I do not know anything about B12 Trader, but to be fair I think you have to calculate its performance against the SampP. I believe the SampP is down around 7 this year. I also think most mutual funds and hedge funds are down this year. So if B12 Trader is up 6.51 it is outperforming them. Now you make a fair point about risk. I think it is worth doing a risk assessment in comparing the Beta or stock volatility of B12 Trader8217s stock picks. vs the Beta of the SampP. Also I am not sure a single hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 4 months ago Looks like credit card now required 8211 review needs to be updated. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 3 months ago Eric 8211 Access to B128217s current content never was free. Only subscribers get that access. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 3 months ago Also his trading performance is not public anymore and can8217t be found unless you are a subscriber. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 2 months ago You commented that the 8 Month results posted are 8220impressive8221 could you kindly explain what you meant the dollar values certainly are not. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 2 months ago Any update on this and replies to the comments about the losses Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 1 month ago I know nothing about B12 Trader and whether or not he trades profitably, but I do know as I have written so many times the fantasy world that trading rooms and vendors portray is just that. It is a world of 10 a month guaranteed returns and no draw downs. Belief in that world is why 95 of people loss money. Real world trading has draw downs. 2 or 3 months of draw downs is nothing. Here is the best advice I can give anyone. If someone shows you a real proven track record which included draw downs that is hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 1 month ago Recently started on B12. (Nov 2015). My objective was (and is) to learn the concepts of spotting trends and using the technical signals to determine when to enter a position and when to exit. I use the info from B12 as a guide and then make my own decision. In many of the suggested buys Jasen puts forward 8211 I enter and exist differently because I don8217t just follow blindly into a trade 8211 I analyse what he has put forward and then determine what to do 8230 after all I am trying to learn. I do like the hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 30 days ago I am eagerly awaiting your update at the end of Jan 2016, because it has been brutal so far. I8217m using another service that has had its biggest losses in Dec 2015 and Jan 16, so I8217m looking for another service. B12 looks appealing so far, but I8217d really like to see how it handled the recent volatility and crashpanic that this year starte dwith Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 13 days ago Second. Am very interested to know how your portfolios responding using this strategy. Keep us posted. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 12 days ago The same reason I still want to join him, have been doing extensive research (especially on tradingschools) silently for months and comparing, but still undecided. Good to read this as your joining reasons would be quite similar to my own. ETFs seem to have a more conservative approach then Forex and one that has less risk, I8217ll be investing with him or WatchHimTrade by February. Crossing my fingers and routing for Jasen for a long term approach as I love anything associated with Google, thanks for the helpful comment and feedback of his B12 approach Sparky. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 9 days ago Hi Sparky, it8217s great that you are doing such patient research. If you ever want to chat one on one via phone just contact me on my website b12trader and we can setup a time to talk. I8217m always open to dialog. Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 1 year 8 days ago Second. Am very interested to know how your portfolio8217s responding using this strategy. Keep us posted. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 12 days ago January isn8217t looking good. I made the strategic mistake of trying to bet on the market bounces and all of them went against me. I held a couple of key positions over the weekend thinking we8217d see more pullback in Oil which would give RUSL (Russia) and (GASL) Natural Gas Companies a boost and I had to pull the rip cord and take a good loss today. I8217m basically shorting Oil again to see what I can salvage of January8217s performance. It8217s a bearish market, and I still have the rest of the year to close out positive. I still hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 1 year 9 days ago so january was a 9000 loss. almost 50 of the 20,000 account that the trades were based on. how is february coming along i had some big losses in swing trades myself this month, while my daytrading was breaking even. and for emmett: what happened to the reviews if the trading clan and the david adams room Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 11 months 11 days ago Trading Clan got taken down because they are no longer operating a 8220live8221 room, instead its an autobot. And its like 12 hours a day, so not really a realistic trading service. Regarding Dave Adams8230I took his original review down because he got a complaint and refused to refund one of his customers. Cannot send traffic if a vendor is not taking care of people. With that said, Dave and I are working on something new and interesting. Will be talking about this new tracking feature shortly. And yes, Jason took a mighty beating in January. And I am sure hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 11 months 11 days ago thanks for the updates Emmett. yeah i took a month with trading clan and i wondered if it was a robot doing the trading. Not an interesting experience at all. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 11 months 11 days ago So his 13 months record is actually negative between 2015 Jan to 2016 Jan, since he was only slightly profitable in 2015 and this Januray8217s -9K probably is bigger than last year8217s profit. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 9 months 7 days ago Hi Robert, I8217m up 1,050 so far for February. We8217ll have to see if I can squeeze out a few more wins before the month is up. There has been an insane amount of market correlation in which every ETF I track moves in the same direction while Bonds and Gold move in the opposite. I8217ve reduced my simultaneous holdings to 1-2 holdings at once to reduce risk of the global movements in sync. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 11 months 10 days ago great review8230 thanks to all Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 11 months 19 days ago Can you provide link to verified track record from third party provider E. g. myfxbook Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 11 months 22 hours ago So there is no verified track record after all Is this website just another layer of Forex marketing scam Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 30 days ago Jason at B12 has no problem showing account statements of his trades. Just ask him. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 29 days ago Hi Rafal, I don8217t trade currencies, perhaps you are posting in the wrong review Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 20 days ago you do understand he is not trading the contracts or brokers that you see on myfxbook Myfxbook is mainly for mt4 traders who are trading small lots (some mt4 brokers allow a balance of 500 ). Although there are efts on some platforms I dont think this vendor is using mt4. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 30 days ago Does it mean that basically there is no way to verify his track record by third party provider Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 29 days ago By the way, while you can trade small lots on MT4 it does not mean you can8217t trade big. You can trade 10000 per pip if you want 8211 which could wipe out 100k account within seconds. In today8217s trading world dominated by scammers third party verification is a must. If you don8217t agree with that then most likely you are one of them. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 29 days ago Rafel some of these verified accounts on myfxbook have only 1000 of actual money in the account They tend to be martingalers. look at some like fxviper (one of the most popular) who are hundreds of 8216pips8221 in the red and who simply wait for mean reversion to occur 8211 even if it takes months.- adding small amounts and averaging down. This is impossible with a real futures account where even one tick on ONE contract is worth 5 -10 It8217s a completely different way of trading. Not that I think myfxbook is bad - they do a reasonable job hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 29 days ago I offer the most detailed trade history than most anyone on the net. What you also get with my site is a detailed blog post of every trade I tried to make. I detail every trade as I8217m watching it, when I plan to get in, when I get in and a full blog on managing the trade. All the other websites simply post successfail because they are trying to use it for 8220marketing8221 I am giving full open and documented trading history for education. Seeing a spreadsheet of successful or failed trade history doesn8217t tell you anything, but go hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 10 months 20 days ago Yes, admitting 50 drawdown is quite honest. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 28 days ago In an unregulated industry full of scammers like this one, how do you find a 3rd party that honestly verifies the results. Just look at some of the options out there, Dean Handley, Collective2, Profit-Ly and etc. They are all scams. They would have to make sure the traders is trading live and that the trader cannot selective select which trades are sent to them. How do you know the 3rd party is not part of the scam and selectively fudging the numbers Maybe the person being tracked has 1000 strategies and surely one of them will be profitable until hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 29 days ago There are no guarantees but8230. On myfxbook your track data is downloaded directly form broker. You can hide anything you want on myfxbook but everyone will see notification that you did so. Everyone can see also what size you trade 8211 If it is small account then yes, you may suspect that somebody is trying many methods simultaneously. Everyone can see your drawdowns 8211 if they are big you probably are trading Martingale which will blow up sooner or later. I have to agree with you on one 8211 I can8217t prove that myfxbook is not part of a scam. But hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 29 days ago I only know my personal experience and talking to other traders that have tried Collective2 and other 3rd party verifiers has not been good. I have never tried Myfxbook, but honestly I think the only way to know is to pick some of there top traders to auto copy and trade real money and see how it matches to their posted results. If you decide to do that I would encourage you to post your results and let us know how it goes. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 29 days ago Just to show if anyone is interested live action on myfacebook: This vendor hid currently open trades which should be a huge red flag. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 22 days ago myfxbook of course. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 22 days ago Rafel, Best video ever I keep telling people what a scam these 3rd party evaluator like Collective2 and etc are and no one wants to hear it. They just want to believe in the fantasy. That video only shows one of the many tricks these vendors use to make their trading look so profitable. What more can I say, 8220WAKE UP AMERICA8221. This video should be required watching before anyone pays to copy one of these traders trades. I know a lot of traders and yet to meet anyone that made a dime copy one of these scam artist trades. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 22 days ago Hello Rafal. Emmett has already verified B128217s results and as he said 8220Jason at B12 has no problem showing account statements of his trades. Just ask him.8221 Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 29 days ago Does Jasen ever use options Or does he only ever just trade the underlying etf Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 17 days ago Has anybody here tried B12Trader8217s service or bought his educational series Is it worth buying, or is it just the same-old information freely available on the Internet but re-packaged and with a price tag Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply 10 months 7 days ago The education package is an explanation of the market he trades and how he trades. His methodsystem relies on a combination of a few indicators and technical analysis, and it is quite specific to his own method of trading. In my opinion, it is not a broad based education that someone new to trading may be looking for nor is there anything in it that is difficult to understand. It is his way of evaluating the market and charts in order to enter, manage and exit trades. Perhaps you could apply it to other markets but you have to remember hellip Read more raquo Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 10 months 7 days ago Thanks for the overview Stray Dog, you pretty much hit it on the head. I haven8217t made a slew of overview videos, but that may come in the future, just to drive more traffic to the site since it8217s readily available information, and it will be free of course. I haven8217t had any complaints about the educational series and no one has come to me saying it wasn8217t worth the cost. Vote Up 1 Vote Down Reply 10 months 4 days ago wpDiscuz Best Trading Systems August 27, 2015 123 Comments Today8217s Review is Jasen Baker of B12 Trader What is hellip May 27, 2015 123 Comments Oil Trading Group82306 months later. This past December, 2014, I hellipI Dont Wanna Live Forever, ZAYN Taylor Swift. Body Like a Back Road, Sam Hunt. After All These Years, Brian Johnson Jenn Johnson. NEW YORK LONDON, Feb 3- Raw sugar futures on ICE rallied to a 2-1 2- month high on Friday, on support from chart-based buy signals and expectations for demand from top consumer India, while the market made its biggest weekly rise in four weeks. March raw sugar futures settled up 0.56 cent, or 2.7 percent, at 21.11 cents per lb, attracting a flurry of buying around the. DETAILS: Bolton Furniture two-over-two style four-drawer dressers. Models included in the recall are Cambridge 8614, Emma 8314, Essex 6614, Wakefield 8014 and Woodridge 8414. They were sold at Full Line Furniture and childrens specialty stores nationwide and at Amazon, Overstock, Target, ToysRUs, Wayfair, Zulilly and other. WASHINGTON, Feb 3- U. S. job growth surged more than expected in January as construction firms and retailers ramped up hiring, but wages barely rose, handing the Trump administration both a head start and a challenge as it seeks to boost the economy. Nonfarm payrolls increased by 227,000 jobs, the largest gain in four months, the Labor Department said on Friday. NEW YORK SINGAPORE Feb 3- Oil majors and trading houses are set to ship an unprecedented volume of U. S. crude oil to Asia in coming weeks, boosting already high flows to the region due to higher prices from OPEC production cuts. Traders have estimated that some 700,000 to 900,000 barrels per day is set to leave the United States in February, with the majority of the. MOST U. S. TREASURY PRICES TURN FLAT, ERASING EARLIER GAINS. In a 52-47 vote, the Republican-controlled Senate approved a resolution to eradicate a rule requiring companies such as Exxon Mobil and Chevron Corp to publicly state taxes and other fees paid to foreign governments like Russia. On Thursday, the Senate repealed a rule that would have limited coal companies from dumping waste into streams. UPDATE 4-Trump issues orders to review banking law and retirement advice rule. Trump pledged during his campaign to replace the Dodd-Frank law introduced under the Obama administration which raised capital requirements for banks, restricted their trading by means of the Volcker Rule, and also created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The U. S. Chamber of Commerce and other trade groups are seeking to have the fiduciary rule. US TREASURY YIELDS RISE SLIGHTLY AS FEDS WILLIAMS SPEAKS, 10- YEAR YIELDS INCREASE TO 2.47 PERCENT. WASHINGTON, Feb 3- The Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin Corp announced on Friday an agreement worth about 8.5 billion for 90 F-35 jets, the lowest price to date for the Pentagons most expensive program. The price per jet has been steadily declining as production ramps up, and defense analysts have said the discount hailed by Trump was in line with what. CHICAGO NEW YORK, Feb 3- U. S. Municipal bond sales next week from New York City, the state of Oregon and a California healthcare provider worth nearly 1.7 billion include warnings to potential buyers that Trumps policies could pose a financial risk to these issuers. New York City on Tuesday told potential investors for its upcoming 800 million bond sale that. Feb 4- Japans Toyota Motor Corp and Suzuki Motor Corp are nearing a partnership agreement to develop technology, including self-driving, the Nikkei business daily reported on Saturday. The two Japanese automakers could announce a deal as soon as Monday, the Nikkei reported. The partnership will also cover areas such as development and procurement, which. The pipeline was originally set to start in late 2016 but has faced intense protests and legal challenges from climate activists and Native Americans, led by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, whose land in North Dakota runs adjacent to the route. Commercial operations are expected to begin in the second quarter of 2017, pending the issuance of an easement from the. NEW YORK, Feb 3- Mexicos peso has improbably been the worlds top-performing currency since Donald Trumps presidential inauguration, and an increasing number of emerging market fund managers said it could rebound further from its nosedive following the U. S. election. Weve gone from an outright short late last year to an overweight position relative to. Feb 3- U. S. energy regulators late on Thursday approved construction of Energy Transfer Partners LPs Rover natural gas pipeline from Pennsylvania to Ontario, according to a filing made available on Friday. President Donald Trump appointed Cheryl LaFleur as acting chair, which prompted Norman Bay, the former chairman, to announce he would step down on Feb. 3. WASHINGTON President Donald Trump is delaying a series of rules that require financial professionals to put their clients best interests first when giving advice on retirement investments. At stake are about 4.5 trillion in 401 retirement accounts, plus 2 trillion in other defined-contribution plans such as federal employees plans and 7.3 trillion. DAR ES SALAAM, Feb 3- Tanzania signed a deal worth 1.215 billion with a consortium of Turkish and Portuguese companies on Friday to construct a 300- kilometer railway line, part of plans by the east African country to boost trade with its land-locked neighbors. In total, Tanzania wants to build a 2,561 km standard gauge railway network connecting its main Indian. CHICAGO NEW YORK, Feb 3- U. S. Municipal bond sales next week from New York City, the state of Oregon and a California healthcare provider worth nearly 1.7 billion include warnings to potential buyers that Trumps policies could pose a financial risk to these issuers. New York City on Tuesday told potential investors for its upcoming 800 million bond sale that. Feb 3- U. S. energy companies added oil rigs for a 13th week in the last 14, extending a nine-month recovery as drillers take advantage of crude prices that have held mostly over 50 a barrel since OPEC agreed to cut supplies in late November. Baker Hughes oil rig count plunged from a record 1,609 in October 2014 to a six-year low of 316 in May as U. S. crude collapsed.
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